And to set the record straight. No, I have never really done a restoration before. I have owned a number of weird cars that I have worked on here and there but this will be my first true restoration. I have been banned by the other half that this will also be my ONLY restoration until it is up and running on it's own. *sigh* There was one point in our life together that I had collected 5 random cars in various states of repair. Some people save animals, I want to save cars.
Last week I went up to the Alaska State Fair in Palmer. On the day I was there the Antique Auto Mushers of Alaska were showing off their cars. After talking to some of the members I plan on becoming a member myself. They offer lots of help, advice and knowledge of the world of car restorations. And I think I could use all of the above.

The Prinz is my only toy car at the moment, but I also have a 1966 Skamper pop-up, and a fabulous Serro Scotty travel trailer. The Scotty was a pregnancy gift from my amazing other half. It is so great having a other half that gets it. The Scotty was the world's most perfect present for a car geek like me.
The plan for the Scotty is that it is to become my art studio. Living in a s
mall house means that in the winter it is very easy to heat. And being in Alaska that is ALWAYS a good thing. But it also means that there is little space for my other hobbies such as making Ukrainian Eggs, painting, quilting, and a number of other art activities. The Scotty will be the extra room just for me. I know that this is the NSU Prinz blog but updates from the Scotty will be include in here from time to time too.